Key Policies and documents
Absence FAQs
Please read our FAQs about absence requests before completing the form below. |
There is no entitlement in law for pupils to take time off during the term to go on holiday.
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 were amended in September 2013. All references to family holidays and extended leave have been removed. The amendments specify that Head Teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are “exceptional circumstances” and they no longer have the discretion to authorise up to ten days of absence each academic year.
Please read the FAQs before requesting medical evidence, paying for x-rays and other documents to proof a need for absence.
Authorised absences
Authorised absences may be planned or unplanned; they are mornings, afternoons or whole days away from school for an unavoidable reason like illness (although parents/carers may be asked to provide medical evidence for an absence before this can be authorised), medical or dental appointments which, unavoidably fall in school time, emergencies or other unavoidable causes. The pupil’s parent/carer must also apply for other types of term-time absence as far in advance as possible of the requested absence.
Medical appointments
We encourage parents/carers to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, the pupil should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary and return afterwards, or leave school slightly early to attend the appointment. The school may request proof of appointments.
Unauthorised absences
Unauthorised absence includes:
- parents/carers keeping children off school unnecessarily e.g. because they had a late
night or for non-infectious illnesses or an injury that would not affect their ability to learn
- absences which have never been properly explained
- children who arrive at school too late to get a mark on the attendance register
- shopping trips
- looking after other children or children accompanying siblings or parents to medical appointments
- their own or family birthdays
- holidays taken during term time without leave - 3 days unauthorised absence will lead to a penalty notice being triggered by the Local Authority
- day trips
- staying home due to weather conditions (e.g. snow) unless directed to do so by the school
- other leave of absence in term time which has not been agreed
Informing us of absence
It is your responsibility to inform us of your child's absence from school.
Complete the form to let us know of any absence for your child/children.
Please ensure you are truthful and honest about your absence as we will complete checks.
We will track absences carefully and where necessary the school will refer cases to the Education Welfare Services.
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 were amended in September 2013. All references to family holidays and extended leave have been removed. The amendments specify that Head Teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are “exceptional circumstances” and they no longer have the discretion to authorise up to ten days of absence each academic year.
Please read the FAQs before requesting medical evidence, paying for x-rays and other documents to proof a need for absence.
Authorised absences
Authorised absences may be planned or unplanned; they are mornings, afternoons or whole days away from school for an unavoidable reason like illness (although parents/carers may be asked to provide medical evidence for an absence before this can be authorised), medical or dental appointments which, unavoidably fall in school time, emergencies or other unavoidable causes. The pupil’s parent/carer must also apply for other types of term-time absence as far in advance as possible of the requested absence.
Medical appointments
We encourage parents/carers to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, the pupil should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary and return afterwards, or leave school slightly early to attend the appointment. The school may request proof of appointments.
Unauthorised absences
Unauthorised absence includes:
- parents/carers keeping children off school unnecessarily e.g. because they had a late
night or for non-infectious illnesses or an injury that would not affect their ability to learn
- absences which have never been properly explained
- children who arrive at school too late to get a mark on the attendance register
- shopping trips
- looking after other children or children accompanying siblings or parents to medical appointments
- their own or family birthdays
- holidays taken during term time without leave - 3 days unauthorised absence will lead to a penalty notice being triggered by the Local Authority
- day trips
- staying home due to weather conditions (e.g. snow) unless directed to do so by the school
- other leave of absence in term time which has not been agreed
Informing us of absence
It is your responsibility to inform us of your child's absence from school.
Complete the form to let us know of any absence for your child/children.
Please ensure you are truthful and honest about your absence as we will complete checks.
We will track absences carefully and where necessary the school will refer cases to the Education Welfare Services.

Penalty Notice Information for Parents |