Mental Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to our Mental Health and Wellbeing page...
At Rushmere Hall, we recognise how important mental health and emotional well-being is to our lives in just the same way as physical health. We recognise that mental health – that of our children, and of their parents and teachers - is a crucial factor in children’s well-being and can affect their learning and achievement. For this reason, a team of staff at Rushmere Hall are working hard to ensure we have a whole-school approach to promoting positive mental health and well-being, through creating a nurturing, inclusive community, teaching specific skills, and providing opportunities which bring joy, build resilience and self-esteem and encourage children to work together. It is also our role to have robust systems in place to recognise and support children who may be experiencing a particularly stressful time and refer on to outside agencies if appropriate. We have some very experienced staff at Rushmere Hall, however we are not trained mental healthcare practitioners, therefore there will be times when we need to refer certain cases on to the appropriate professionals. We love Rochdale Borough Council’s Five Ways campaign and we have adopted the headings here at Rushmere to focus us on the simple, everyday ways that we can promote mental health and well-being. In the table below, you will see how we promote the Five Ways at school, and there are also some ideas for how you can try them out at home! We also hope you find the links below useful. |
Wellbeing and Coronavirus - Useful links and information
Below we have listed some useful resources to help support you with wellbeing issues that might arise during the coronavirus outbreak.
Talking Mental Health
This video and linked resources are a great place to get tips and ideas on how to speak to children about mental health and well-being.
Useful Websites:
Parents who are looking for support can refer themselves directly to the Suffolk Children and Young People Emotional Well-being hub
Further information and resources can be found at:
Parents who are looking for support can refer themselves directly to the Suffolk Children and Young People Emotional Well-being hub
Further information and resources can be found at: