Rushmere Hall Primary School values the abilities and achievements of ALL its children, and is committed to providing for each the best possible environment for learning. We are proud of what we are able to offer with the limited resources we have.
We recognise the entitlement of all pupils to a balanced, broadly based curriculum. Our Special Education Needs policy acknowledges the need for teaching that is fully inclusive. The Governing Body ensures that appropriate provision is made for all pupils with SEN. ~We aim to:~
SENCO - Mrs H. Birbeck SEN GOVERNOR - Mr B Saunders
Accessibility Plan
Support & GuidanceSleep Issues
The Willows Children Centre are running a 'Sleep workshop' for parents who struggle to get their children to sleep at night. Click icon below to view the flier.
Concerns or complaints about SEN provision at this school?
In the first instance, please discuss your concerns with Helen Birbeck (SENCO).
Escalate any concerns to the Paul Fykin (Head teacher)
Escalate any concerns to the Paul Fykin (Head teacher)